- On 4 April 2018 the SERV_FORFIRE was presented at a national ERA4CS workshop in The Hague. The audience consisted of staff from several Netherlands ministries that are involved in climate policies. Contacts were established with the Ministry of Justice and Security and with the Institute for Safety.
- EARSeL Workshop “Remote sensing of forest fire: Data, science and operational applications” – Rome, 3-5 October 2019. The workshop, organized by the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories “EARSEL” was held in Rome at CNR headquarter from 3 to 5 October 2019. It was the 12th EARSeL Forest Fires SIG Workshop. It was chaired by Rosa Lasaponara (CNR-IMAA), Lead Principal Investigator of SERV_FORFIRE project and by Ioannis Gitas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and has benefited from the presence of all the principal investigators of the project and other well-known experts, who are part of the Workshop’s Scientific Committee.
- CNR-IMAA organized a meeting with Carabinieri, 18 May 2021 – TECNOLOGIE SATELITAR PER LA TUTELA DELLE FORESTE—SERV_FORFIRE: Earth Observation as an operational tool to identify post fire illegal land use land cover changes
- CNR-IMAA organized I Meeting with Noto Municipality (Sicily region), 21 April 2021. SERV_FORFIRE Workshop : Earth Observation as an operational tool to support fire mitigation Strategy in (zoom meeting)
- CNR-IMAA organized II Meeting with Avola Municipality (Sicily region), 28 April 2021. SERV_FORFIRE Workshop: Earth Observation as an operational tool to support fire mitigation Strategy in (zoom meeting)
- MedRIN and SCERIN Virtual Capacity Building Workshop on Earth System Observations, Cyprus June 16, 2021 presentation of SERV_FORFIRE video
- CNR-IRSA have distributed papers developed within the WP4 to the stakeholders Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale (ARPA-Puglia) and to the Servizio Protezione Civile, Centro Funzionale Decentrato-Regione Puglia.
The six-week forest fire risk outlook prototype has been presented within the Exchange of experts in civil protection programme in Portugal 03/2020 (https://www.exchangeofexperts.eu/), the European Hub for Civil Protection and Disaster Management in Rotterdam 12/2019 , Weather preparedness day 2019 organized for end-users by the Finnish Meteorological Institute, in meetings with the flight clubs performing the fire survey flights and in other national and international project meetings, i.e. Adapt-FIRST project, H2020 project EUNADICS-AV.
SERV_FORFIRE was presented by the KNMI team at a national ERA4CS workshop in The Hague, on 4 April 2018. The audience consisted of staff from several Netherlands ministries that are involved in climate policies. Contacts were established with the Ministry of Justice and Security and with the Institute for Safety.
The project was shown at the European Researchers’ Night editions in 2018, 2019 and 2020.