Newsletter n.3/2021

ERA4CS Mid-term / Final survey

This issue represents the final Newsletter edited in the framework of the SERV_FORFIRE project. It includes the following contributions:

  1. EO based Operational applications for the fire management within the SERV_FORFIRE project.
  2. What comes out from forest fire? An in-depth analysis of gaseous and particulate emissions from biomass burning on “Metaponto Natural Reserve”.
  3. The sub-seasonal forest fire risk outlook successfully piloted during the fire season 2020 in Finland.
  4. On limits of short-term wildfire prediction.
  5. Merge historical documents digitalization with LiDAR: a method for the assessing, mitigation and dissemination of POST FIRE rockfall.
  6. High Resolution Seasonal Forest Fire Danger mapping for South Italy.
  7. Empirical statistical forecasting system of fire risk using the monthly drought code.
  8. Modeling potential impact of wildfire on hydrology and soil erosion
  9. A bias adjusted SPI seasonal forecast for the Mediterranean basin

SERV_FORFIRE | Backup Newsletter

Integrated services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention