Newsletter n.3/2021
ERA4CS Mid-term / Final survey
This issue represents the final Newsletter edited in the framework of the SERV_FORFIRE project. It includes the following contributions:
- EO based Operational applications for the fire management within the SERV_FORFIRE project.
- What comes out from forest fire? An in-depth analysis of gaseous and particulate emissions from biomass burning on “Metaponto Natural Reserve”.
- The sub-seasonal forest fire risk outlook successfully piloted during the fire season 2020 in Finland.
- On limits of short-term wildfire prediction.
- Merge historical documents digitalization with LiDAR: a method for the assessing, mitigation and dissemination of POST FIRE rockfall.
- High Resolution Seasonal Forest Fire Danger mapping for South Italy.
- Empirical statistical forecasting system of fire risk using the monthly drought code.
- Modeling potential impact of wildfire on hydrology and soil erosion
- A bias adjusted SPI seasonal forecast for the Mediterranean basin
SERV_FORFIRE | Backup Newsletter
Integrated services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention